Health & Fitness Consultant, Workout Coach, Dog Lover, Corporate America Retiree and TV Junkie Paying it Forward by Helping You Look Hot In Your Skinny Jeans!
by Okay, yes I’m a total dork, but I want you to know that you can eat ALL day if you’re building lean muscle in your body! So here are my “guns” that are a constant work in progress! I’ve... Continue reading →
by Oh my goodness, people, I just can’t say enough good things about Asylum. When I started, I seriously was not sure that I would be able to EVER do some of the moves. They were so foreign to me,... Continue reading →
by Let’s face it, we’ve all been there. It’s time to go to the grocery store, but life gets in the way and we’re so busy so that is just one task that doesn’t get done today. But what do... Continue reading →
by So this may sound strange at first, but seriously… this powdered peanut butter stuff ROCKS! You’ve got to be kidding that it has 85% less fat calories than regular peanut butter but tastes like regular peanut butter! The peanuts... Continue reading →
by I’m getting really anxious about starting Insanity: The Asylum, the sequel to Shaun T’s crazy program, Insanity. I’m just SO excited and I want to start today! BUT I’m finishing up P90x and I’m committed to finishing that, so... Continue reading →