Being Positive & Staying Positive: Part 1- A Little Intro…

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Most of you probably know that I work in the fitness industry which can be a very imagine-conscious, unforgiving industry. Now, I am very lucky and blessed to work for a company that is extremely encouraging and supportive, but I’ve dealt with my fair share of Negative Neds, Debbie Downers and my favorite (okay… not really)… the MoJo Suckers.

I know you know exactly who I’m talking about. They’re the ones with the black cloud over their heads, looking down at the ground really unable to enjoy the bulk of life. Hey, maybe you’re one of those people right now or you’ve been one of those people- I know I’ve been there. But sometimes what happens is these people let this negativity fester inside until everything looks bleak, there doesn’t appear to be any hope, and before they even realize, they actually feel so badly about themselves that they’re taking it out on others.

At that point, they’re putting other people down because it gives them a momentary feeling that they may actually be okay after all. These are the people calling you fat, telling you that you can’t do something, and questioning every move you make. Sometimes it’s in front of your face, but a lot of times it’s passive aggressive through gossip or even social media.

That old saying “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me” just isn’t true, am I right? I’ve re-invented that saying as a reminder before I open my own mouth that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words take longer to heal.”

The truth is that these people are really hurting inside. Can things turn around for them? ABSOLUTELY! But we can’t fix them. It’s not our job to fix them. When we try to fix them, we get sucked down into the deep recesses of negativity. Our job as those full of positivity, or those working to switch their lives to positive ones, is to protect ourselves, to be a good influence, to send positive light from a distance, but it’s not to work on fixing them.

I have a really big heart for this! My vision for this series is to help you distance yourself from the negative people in your life, to work on defining your positive life, to help you love yourself, and, if you feel yourself turning down that dark road, to turn you back around to the light. So get the word out, pass this post to your friends, make sure everyone who needs to be a part of this is a part of it. Let’s spread the love- THAT is your duty as positive person- spread the love and pay it forward!


Much Love,

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