We’re definitely in the home stretch now! Just 5 days remain on this Reset and we definitely can see the finish line! I’m 0.5 pounds down today which is a total of 8.5 pounds of toxins leaving my body- YAHOO! Woke up at 6 am and just got up, no big deal… Have I mentioned lately that I used to be a daily coffee drinker? Getting up at 6 would have resulted in many cups of coffee so this is kind of like an alternate universe!
Had a nice bunch of fruit for breakfast- went to the grocery store and picked up a Tropical Mix of fruit yesterday. Now, this probably isn’t the lowest in glycemic index, but it looked so good and I really wanted it. I haven’t had much of what I want during this Reset, so I went for it. And yes that may sound self-centered and I just don’t care! Haha. The fruit was delicious- kiwi, blueberries, pineapple, mango and papaya! I also cut up some strawberries and added it them in- they are sooo good right now you can smell them across the store!
Seriously, got so much done in the morning especially since I was up so early. I was done with most of my “work” by like 11 am. That felt good- definitely something I strive for anyway and today I achieved it with no problem whatsoever!
Lunch was a Moroccan Carrot Salad over 3 cups of greens. I really liked the Carrot Salad- it had a delicious marinade- which by the way needs to marinate for at least 2 hours in the fridge so make sure you plan for that! I made it last night so it would be an easy lunch today. It was pretty filling all things considered but just was delicious overall!
I totally dug into a snack today- peanut butter and banana. Again, banana is not the lowest in glycemic index, but I was having a bit of a rebellious day- so sue me. I’ve done SOOOO well on the Reset and it isn’t about cheating or not cheating because it’s not a diet, it’s a Detox. Really you just need to stick it out for 21 days to get the full effects and to really clean out your body and I get that. But did I feel remorse for my banana- heck no! 😉
Dinner was Roasted Delicata Squash, Green Beans with Lemon and Toasted Millet. We couldn’t find Delicata Squash so we just had regular Yellow Squash. Also, we opted for no grain tonight since we had some last night. This was a pretty good dinner- very simple. Basically roast the squash a season with Himalayan Salt, Liquid Aminos, Olive Oil, and Lemon or Lime Juice. The Green Beans were simple too- just steam them and toss with Lemon Juice and Himalayan Salt.
The meals now are all fruit and veggie based with optional grain at dinner. We’re trying to do every other day for grains and it kind of depends on what the rest of the dinner is. Like the night we had that huge sweet potato we certainly didn’t need any grain! That’s something I’d never thought I’d say so there’s another improvement! Overall I’m feeling good and waking up feeling as refreshed as I have is amazing! Day 18 is on deck!
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