Holy Moly! Phase 3 already! We started the Restore Phase today and added an additional supplement. Detox is now out of our lives and we add Revitalize to our repertoire. So that means we’re taking 4 pills 3 times a day. I actually felt a little off this morning at first because I was used to taking Detox each morning. I was used to it, but…. I’m not going to say I miss it- haha!
No weight change today which goes both ways right- no weight loss, but also no weight gain. Truthfully, if I don’t lose any more weight on this Reset, I’d be just fine with that, but we’ll see how it goes!
Fresh fruit for breakfast today! We’re still eating on what we had cut up over the weekend so it was super easy to pull it out of the fridge and dig in! We really haven’t had any sugar, save from fruit, so it tastes really sweet now.
So…. I totally forgot to take a picture of my lunch because I DUG IN! The Asian Cabbage Salad is delicious! It’s marinated in a sort of dressing and it is delightful! It’s also nice to have a little change from the microgreen salad. I’m adding a picture from the guidebook of what it looks like. You’ll like this one! Along with the Asian Cabbage Salad, Miso Soup was on the menu for lunch. The warmness of the Miso Soup is nice because it really fills the stomach.
I felt pretty focused this afternoon which is a welcome change from how I used to feel before the Reset. That’s one of the reasons I tend to drink my Shakeology in the afternoon (pre-Reset of course)- it helped me get over the slump. I’m glad to say I’m cruising through the afternoon without a big slump.
For dinner, we enjoyed Garlic Veggies and Baked Sweet Potato. Quinoa is an optional grain for this evening’s meal, but our baked potatoes were so big, we decided to skip the quinoa and we had plenty to eat. The Garlic Veggies are simple AND delicious! I really, really enjoyed those- of course I am a HUGE fan of garlic, so this was right up my alley! And you can probably see that we didn’t skimp on the garlic!! The sweet potatoes are just baked and then seasoned with some olive oil and Himalayan salt.
Nothing from tonight’s dinner is carried over to tomorrow, but you do have Microgreen Salad for lunch so make sure you’ve got your salads prepared!
It seems like FOREVER ago when we were cooking that first meal of salmon, asparagus and potatoes. I guess my main thought on Day 15 is just that I’m really proud of us for getting through these first two weeks and we only have 6 more days. It seemed like an ALMOST insurmountable task when we started- especially with our mini melt-downs on Day 1, but tomorrow is Day 16 and it’s look very bright!
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