Well, here we are lucky day 13! No weight change today- I’m cool with that. I woke up WAAAAAAAAAY before my alarm totally ready to get up and start my day! I was even shocked by that and thought I’d go right back to sleep, but didn’t even need or want to. That’s a really good feeling! It’s not even that I’m getting MORE sleep, it’s that I’m getting better quality sleep. I think that’s truly amazing! All my aches from when I started this are definitely gone which is comforting.
Mashed chick peas, avocado and steamed spinach for breakfast today! Let me give you a friendly tip for the mashed chick peas- just add a little garlic! It seriously makes it SOOOO delicious! I wouldn’t mind eating that again and again! It’s super easy and yummy! We had made extra coconut spinach last night so that was what we had with our breakfast today- that made it really easy.
I got a TON done today and Monday is my busiest day hands down. This is going to be good for my health and all aspects of my life I think. I love how clearly I’m thinking and how efficient I am these days. I can’t describe it, you just have to experience it- it’s a new clarity!
Lunch today was Mediterranean Beets and Microgreen Salad- or if you’re me, it’s more like Mediterranean Beet Chips- haha! I have to say again that these are just so delicious! I still can’t believe that I’m saying that I actually like beets- who would have thought that!
Had another snack today because I knew we would be eating dinner a little later. Delicious green apple makes a wonderful snack, by the way! I always thought that green apple was sour and not sweet at all, but cutting sugar out with this Reset has really changed how I feel about that. Green apple tastes SO sweet!
Can I be honest? I was slightly concerned about tonight’s dinner because there were no grains at all. I didn’t know how that would go down. We couldn’t find kabocha squash so we used regular yellow squash and it worked out just fine. The sauce is delicious and ours didn’t turn out all liquidy like the picture, but I liked our version- it was kind of a crisp layer on top. This was really delicious! On the side we were to have steamed vegetables so we made some brussel sprouts. I know, I know… most people don’t like them, but we do! These were simply prepared with pepper and Himalayan Salt!
For lunch tomorrow we used coconut milk blended up with some of the squash for a soup. You may as well make extra squash to use in the soup tomorrow. While you’re at it, go ahead and blend up the soup for tomorrow too. It doesn’t take long and then you’re all set for lunch.
Tomorrow’s the last day of taking Detox powder and I’m not really sad about that, but it actually wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I was prepared for it to be. Someone in my building was making tacos tonight and they smelled really GOOD! That was a little tough, but the “craving” passed just as soon as it came. Day 14 tomorrow!
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