All right! Already on Day 9 and this is definitely getting easier! I’m actually down another 0.9 pounds today which is pretty crazy for me! I know this is my body clearing out the junk so that part is REALLY exciting! My face had broken out after I started this and now it’s calming down. I think that was its way of detoxing too! We’re on day 2 of taking Detox and nothing terrible to report from taking it at all.
Breakfast was not my idea of a usual breakfast…. Miso soup, sliced avocado (though I severely butchered mine as you can see), and chickpeas smashed up with olive oil. The chickpeas needed a little “help” in my opinion- I added just a pinch of Himalayan Salt and a little garlic too. That made it pretty darn delicious if I do say so myself. I’m definitely not used to eating, what I consider to be, non-breakfasty foods for breakfast so this was definitely different. I thought I’d be completely grossed out, but it actually was okay! This meal was something else made ahead of time- last night we threw down and made the miso soup and mashed the chickpeas. I’m telling you, this detox is ALL about planning ahead!
I want to report that I’m done with the caffeine withdrawls and I am actually more productive than ever! I’m getting things done in record time and am able to focus so much more on the task at hand. Honestly, before this Detox, I was kind of in a slump and this is totally pushing me over that hump- this is EXACTLY what I needed!
So glad we made extra pinto beans and rice last night since it was lunch today! Super easy to warm that up! Last night we also made another round of salads for today and tomorrow. I’m kind of looking forward to my salads at lunch which is another signal to me that my body is changing and craving these healthy foods.
Decided to do a little Wii Fit Yoga today- just to keep the body moving. I think that’s one of the toughest things about this detox is no working out. I love working out and getting a good sweat and lifting weights and all that stuff, but this just doing light yoga, stretching and walking is tough! I’ll be glad to get back to a normal routine. Now, on the other hand, since doing yoga, etc. isn’t taking up as much time as my usual workout does, I’ve taken a lot more baths because I have the extra time- haha! I’m much less achy than I have been in the past week so that’s great news too!
Dinner was sweet potato and roasted red pepper bisque and asparagus roasted with olive oil and almonds. We’ve never made a bisque before but this was fairly simple. Just note that it does take a bit of time to roast the bell pepper- so allow for that. You can go ahead and start making this right after you take your supplements. Make double the soup because you’re eating it again for lunch tomorrow! All in all it was a delicious dinner! The asparagus should be roasted in the oven- we used the toaster oven and in 10 minutes those babies were DONE!
Well, we’re in the double digits tomorrow- Yep, Day 10 coming up!
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