Day 3
Well, I’ve made it to Day 3 and I’m not sure why, but it seems like a milestone. The last 2 days really seemed to kind of drag on but I will say that I haven’t been hungry. The food is good, and plenty to fill you up. In fact, the salads have been too big for me to finish. Caffeine withdrawl is getting better and I woke up feeling less sleepy than the past 2 days so that’s definitely moving in the right direction. I’m down another 0.5 pounds today so I’m pretty happy about that. It’s getting easier to get up, take supplements and then go about my morning routine while I wait for breakfast. I’m feeling more achy today than yesterday so definitely need a nice bath today!
Today’s breakfast is similar to Day 1, except that this time I had the right ingredient for greens- Kale! Here’s a really big tip for you! So you noticed that last night for Day 2’s dinner, we had steamed kale, so just make enough that you have it for the morning too. That will make your morning a TON easier! And since you were already steaming kale last night, why not just steam a little more? Easy breezy! I’m also seasoning my eggs with just a little Himalayan Salt- it’s delicious, full of nutrients, and it doesn’t take much to get a good flavor going!
Definitely feeling more productive as the morning goes on and I got a TON done before lunch! I felt really productive today especially compared to the past 2 days. Things are definitely getting better and easier. I also feel my muscles are kind of tighter which is weird because I haven’t really worked them at all… but I’ll take it!
Lunch today was a lime lentil salad which was pretty yummy! These are green lentils and they do take a while to cook so be prepared for that. My suggestion is make them ahead of time- make the whole salad ahead of time actually- or head to Trader Joe’s and pick up some of the pre-cooked green lentils (just watch for sodium and additives but the one I saw was totally clean). A microgreen salad also goes along with lunch today- you saw a picture of that on Day 1. So a really clean and tasty lunch today and PLENTY of food!
I don’t know if it’s just my imagination or if I’m just used to it, but Alkalinize is getting easier and easier to take! Now, I’m not saying I’m going to grind up alfalfa every day after this is over just to enjoy that flavor, but…. I think I can handle it for the rest of the 21 days.
Okay, Day 3’s Dinner….. What can I say about this? Well, first of all it’s kind of like a sushi roll without any fish. We were really thankful that my parents had bought me sushi mats a while ago because these came in REALLY handy for rolling these up. This was our very first introduction to tempeh. Tempeh is like a block of fermented soy. The recipe calls for something called Smoky Tempeh which we unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) could not find. So we went online and found a recipe for “Facon” which sounded really similar to what Smoky Tempeh would be. You can find the recipe here. Also inside the wraps are brown rice, avocado, carrots and cucumber. I’m not going to lie- this wasn’t my favorite recipe- I did NOT enjoy the tempeh. I did eat the entire roll though and there was also a cucumber salad on the side.
I don’t really care for cucumbers so I don’t cook with them often and I accidentally cut up a zucchini instead of a cucumber for this salad- hahaha! Oh well, it was a veggie and it was good! Here’s another big hint- you eat another roll just like this for lunch the next day so make an extra so it’s just done. While you’re rolling up one, you may as well roll up another. Trust me, you’re going to be much happier if you just do this ahead of time. We’re going to give tempeh one more shot when we eat the baked tempeh so I’ll let you know how that goes….
Day 3 was a little tough, but not bad- just more achy and still a little unfocused. Positives though is definitely the muscles feeling tighter and the weight loss. I feel pretty okay over all which I’m happy about. Just two more days and the worst of it is over! Day 4 here I come!
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