I’ve embarked on a journey- a journey that I’m sure many people will take, but I’m also sure that many people are afraid of right now. I’ve documented my days so you can follow my journey and see what it’s like to go through the Ultimate Reset. There are some struggles, but I know that it’s going to be worth it and I am SO looking forward to how GREAT I will feel afterwards.
Day 0:
Yes, Day 0- why? Because this was preparation day. We actually ordered our initial items from Amazon Fresh (if you’re not in Seattle, you don’t have this service, but it’s basically a grocery delivery service that’s run by Amazon). Through Amazon Fresh we were happy to find some of the items we had never heard of before like Liquid Aminos and Tempeh. What’s really great is that when you get your Ultimate Reset kit, you can log into the Participant’s Portal and print off shopping lists… something I didn’t see until partway through week 1- SHEESH! I went through each recipe typing up all the ingredients we needed- talk about time consuming! Just want to make sure you don’t make the same mistake as I did- print out the lists!
We set to work getting food ready for Day 1- which for us was a Wednesday (we heard days 3-5 are the toughest so we wanted to be home for the bulk of that). One of my biggest recommendation is to go to a store like Trader Joe’s and get their microgreens because it’s already ready to go for you, then you just have to add the other veggies, nuts and make the salad dressing. I’m usually not someone to prepare my lunch ahead of time because, honestly, most days it’s Shakeology so…. no preparation needed! This was a new experience for me and looking back, we really should have prepared even more of the week’s food ahead of time, but I’ll get to that….
Day 1
The nice thing about Day 1 is that the food is relatively similar to things you may be eating anyway.
The first thing you do every morning is drink 12-32 ounces of water that you’ve shaken 5 shakes of Mineralize into, take 10-15 drops of Oxygenize and take 2 Optimize pills. I was actually really worried about this because my stomach does not like water first thing in the morning when it’s empty, BUT I wanted to do this as close to a tee as I could, so I sucked it up and did it. After that, you wait 30 minutes and have your breakfast.
Now, to be honest, we were supposed to have spinach or kale for breakfast, but WHOOPS that slipped through our list so broccoli it was! This was easy- two eggs scrambled in a bit of olive oil, 2 slices of whole grain toast and 1 generous serving of kale or in my case broccoli.
I drank coffee up until the Tuesday right before we started- was that smart? I don’t know. They say to wean off of caffeine, but I drink so much less than I used to since I started drinking Shakeology so I thought I’d be just fine. Well, I did have a slight headache from lack of caffeine on this first day. Also, at around 10:30 am, I realized I had been staring at my computer screen and I’m not entirely sure how long I had been doing that, so…… Yes, I had some caffeine withdrawls! I also wasn’t as effective as I usually would be, but I knew that was part of the process so I just sucked it up.
At least 2 hours after you eat breakfast, it’s time to take more supplements- 12-32 ounces of water with 5 shakes of Mineralize, 10-15 drops of Oxygenize and 2 Optimize pills. I had read that some people get an instant headache after taking the Oxygenize but that didn’t happen to me. 30 minutes after these supplements, you can have your lunch which on Day 1 is a delicious microgreen salad. One of the highlights of the salad (to me anyway) was the delicious jicama! Oh, also, there is a creamy garlic dressing in the recipe book- MAKE IT! It is SOOO good! I don’t think I’m buying salad dressing any more- I’m just going to make this stuff! In fact, we haven’t even tried any of the other salad dressings in the recipe book because we can’t get enough of this one!
Now, at least 2 hours after you have lunch, there’s another set of supplements- 5 shakes of Mineralize in 12-32 ounces of water, and Alkalinize…. So here’s the deal with Alkalinize, it’s not the best thing I’ve ever taste, I’ll just say that. It’s made mostly of alfalfa (yeah not this kind- the grass kind!), so you can imagine the smell and taste of this one. On day 1, I was really kind of disturbed by it, but I know it’s part of the process and it’s what my body needs so I chugged it down!
30 minutes after that, you can have a snack if you need it. If you think you can make it until dinner go ahead and skip it, but today I needed a snack so I had some cashews according to the snack ideas in the Ultimate Reset Guide.
There is no working out during these 21 days- WHAT?!!!! Yes, no working out! There are some things allowed though- stretching, walking and light yoga. On Day 1, I opted for some Yoga with Les Mills Pump Flow DVD. It really was nice to get some stretching and release in. Draco also got some great walks- haha! It’s really hard for me to NOT workout, but today I wasn’t up for it anyway.
At least 2 hours after your snack, it’s time again for supplements- 5 shakes of Mineralize in 12-32 ounces of water, 10-15 drops of Oxygenize and 2 Optimize pills. And again, you have to wait 30 minutes before eating dinner, which was absolutely delicious! Baked salmon, baby potatoes and asparagus. This is something I might normally opt to eat anyway, so I had no problem with this at all.
Yes that’s a ton of garlic cloves on top of my salmon- we LOVE garlic!
Day 1 evening was where the struggles really began- we were looking forward at the week and needed to make another salad for lunch for Day 2- with chicken. Neil has to take his lunch to work for this so we had to cook the chicken ahead of time. At the end of Day 1, we were pretty grumpy- I’m not going to lie. All the changes we were making and the food preparation and life in general all rolled into one and it made for a tough evening of food preparation. I know it sounds silly with just a salad needing made, but we were really feeling the impact of all the changes and were just crabby and tired. With the salad prepared for the next day, we called it a night and I was SO looking forward to a good night’s sleep!
Onto Day 2…..
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